Value for money support for members.

Options and add-ons

TripleA offers both individual and corporate group membership options.

TripleA – discounted dispute resolution sevice arrangements with either FDR or IFSO and access to the PI scheme, are separate add-ons, conditional on membership, and usually invoiced and paid for separately.

Individual membership
Provides access to all membership benefits.

Corporate group membership
Provides cost effective access to all membership benefits for a recognised group of members. Some conditions apply. Automatic membership and PI approvals may be granted for a group (TripleA reserves the right to determine what comprises a group). 
A single annual invoice will be issued for a corporate group and a single payment is required.

Disputes resolution services (either FDR or IFSO)
You must be a TripleA member to access this pricing. TripleA usually covers any transfer costs for new members exiting their existing dispute resolution service.

PI insurance
TripleA’s PI scheme is recognised as providing the most effective cover for advisers. Payment options are annual or quarterly by direct debit only for individual members.
The TripleA PI scheme has standard coverage, excess and premium levels. We do not alter these so no quotes are provided for alternative coverage and excess levels.

Join today

  • Complete the membership application to join today.